2XL Games Releases First Trailer of “ATV OffRoad” for iPhone

***UPDATE*** The game should have been available on the app store last week but we had some minor set backs with apple. The issues have been fixed and we are now waiting for apple to review the game again, and hopefully put it up for sale this week. I also added a new video to this post, check them out!

2XL Games, the creators of the very successful “2XL Supercross” app for iPhone and iPod Touch, just released a brand new trailer of their new upcoming game, “2XL ATV OffRoad”, on the same platforms.

If you liked then you will love 2XL ATV OffRoad! It’s bigger, faster, has impressive graphics and gameplay, and finally tons of TRICKS!!! You’ll be racing on National tracks, courses and big Free-ride areas, add Multiplayer to the mix and you’ve got an awesome off-road racing game in the palm of your hands.

2XL Trailer